Safe Scouting During COVID-19

Safe Scouting During COVID-19

Updated 3/1/2022

While every family has a unique set of considerations in deciding how to participate in Scout activities, Troop 279 is committed to providing a Safe Scouting environment and providing our scouting families with the most up-to-date COVID information. Sources for information include:

As we forge ahead, we will do everything we reasonably can to protect our scouts and scout families. However, ultimately, the decision to participate resides with Scout parents and individual Scouters. Each family will need to decide for itself when it feels comfortable participating in Scouting activities and is prepared to assume the risk of such participation.

At all meeting and outings, precautionary steps you can do to help protect the troop include:

  1. Please complete, on your own, the Pre-Event Medical Screening Checklist prior to every meeting or outing. This checklist is to be completed by all attendees, both youth and adult. You do not need to submit your completed checklist to the troop, however, your attendance serves as your certification that you have completed the Pre-Event Medical Screening Checklist and that you are healthy to participate in the event.
  2. If you feel sick or have recently been in contact with someone who feels unwell, PLEASE STAY HOME.
  3. If you or anyone you live with has been tested for COVID-19 or another illness and does not have the results back yet, PLEASE STAY HOME.
  4. If you are not fully vaccinated, wear a face covering or mask that covers your nose and mouth and stay at least 6 feet apart from people you don’t live with.
  5. If you or a member of your family have a weakened immune system or have an increased risk for severe disease, it is recommended that you take all necessary steps to protect yourself and family members.

In the event that the Troop is alerted to scout(s) and/or leader(s) returning from an outing have tested positive for COVID, the Troop will attempt to notify all individuals attending the same event that they or their scout may have been in close contact with a COVID-positive individual(s). The purpose of this notification is to allow parents to monitor their scout for any symptoms of COVID and so they may take any follow-up or precautionary steps they deem necessary.

Please visit the Troop’s Safe Scouting page to learn more about the steps taken to help ensure every scout has a safe and enjoyable experience at Troop 279.