
Fundraising efforts are an essential aspect of Troop 279’s operations. Beyond dues, the Troop needs additional funds for a host of necessities—everything from camping gear to repairs on the troop trailer. Troop 279 recognizes there is a fine balance between teaching our scouts to be thrifty, paying their own way and the time-value of the Scout’s family to participate in fundraising activities. With that in mind, Troop 279 tries to minimize our fundraising activities and maximize their benefit. There are two types of fundraisers that we utilize: Unit-Benefit and Scout-Benefit fundraisers.
Unit-Benefit Fundraiser(s)
These fundraisers are coordinated by the troop with the help of the scouts and their families with the generated funds going directly to offset the purchasing of awards, purchasing new equipment and maintaining existing equipment.
Pancake Breakfast – Annually the Troop holds an “all-you-can-eat” pancake breakfast. Typically Troop 279 families are asked to donate 2-3 pounds of cooked bacon and the scouts setup, cook and run the four-hour event.
Yard Sale – Each year the Troop participates in the township yard sale, where the Troop 279 families donate gently used items to be sold at the yard sale. Another opportunity at the yard sale to generate funds is running a food stand. For the food-stand, families may be asked to donate baked goods and/or crock-pot dishes.
Camp Card Sales – This is a great value fundraiser for both the troop and purchaser of a Camp Card. Camp Cards are sold for $5, with $2.50 going directly back to the troop’s account. For the purchaser of the Camp Card there are hundreds in cash-back and discount saving at many local stores. The Camp Cards also have a mobile app, which allows you to find store discounts around the country. To learn more, visit:
Scout-Benefit Fundraiser(s)
These fundraisers are coordinated by our Council and performed by the individual scouts to help cover costs of summer camp and other high-adventure events. Funds raised through these efforts are kept in a “scout account” to be accessed for whichever events the Scout chooses.
Popcorn & Nut Sales – This is the most well-known fundraiser for Scouting. Scouts may sale to friends and family, go door-to-door, and/or sell online to generate funds. Scouts typically make a 30% – 40% commission on all sales. This fundraiser takes place during the fall, however online sales maybe conducted year-round. To learn more, please visit: