Scout Leadership

Scout Leadership

Developing leadership skill is an important component to the Scouts, BSA program.  Troop 279 prides itself on the leadership opportunities it offeres its scouts, allowing the scouts to learn and develop critical skills needed for the rest of their lives.

The Troop, just like any other well-run organization, must have a clear understanding of the hierarchy and roles needed to effectively run the scouting program. The image of the ideal troop organization chart, depicts all the possible positions in a large troop.

Positions of responsibility can start very early in a scouts career at the patrol level, however for advancement, positions of responsibility become more prevalent at the First Class rank and above.  Please visit the Advancement page for additional requirements for positions of responsibility.

There are only two elected positions in the troop. All other positions are appointed by the SPL or the PL with the approval of the Scoutmaster with a few positions appointed directly by the Scoutmaster. Troop 279 created a “Troop Election Process” guide to aid the scouts through the process and record the results. The “Positions of Responsibility (POR)” sheet (page 4) in the “Troop Election Process” guide can also be used by scouts to help identify the PORs that they are interested in serving.

Troop Org Chart
Troop Organization Chart

Elected Positions

The following elections are conducted annually at a Troop’s Court of Honor (COH) and count towards leadership rank requirements for Star, Life, or Eagle.

  • The Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) is elected by majority vote by the whole troop.
    • The Asst. Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) is assigned to the runner-up from the SPL vote.
  • The Patrol Leaders (PLs) are elected by majority vote from the members of each patrol.
    • The Asst. Patrol Leaders (APLs) are assigned to the runner-up from each of the PL votes.
    • NOTE: The APL position does not count towards rank advancement.

These positions expire at the next COH elections.

Appointed Positions

Appointed by Asst. Senior Patrol Leader:

The Asst. Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) shall appoint these positions (in order shown below) at the Troop meeting following a COH. All positions listed below count towards leadership rank requirements for Star, Life, and Eagle.

  • Quartermaster
  • Scribe
  • Chaplain Aide
  • Webmaster
  • Historian
  • Librarian
  • Bugler (not valid for Eagle rank)
  • OA Troop Representative
  • Outdoor Ethics Guide

These positions expire at the troop meeting immediately following the COH elections.

Appointed by Patrol Leader:

The Patrol Leader may, as needed, appoint patrol-specific positions like Patrol Scribe, Patrol Quartermaster and Patrol Historian. These positions also expire at the PL’s discretion.

PLEASE NOTE: Any PORs appointed by the Patrol Leader do not count towards rank advancement. 

Appointed by the Scoutmaster:

These positions are appointed at the Scoutmaster’s discretion and count towards leadership rank requirements for Star, Life, and Eagle.

  • Troop Guide(s)
  • Den Chief(s)
  • Troop Instructor(s)
  • Junior Asst. Scoutmaster(s)

These positions expire at the next COH elections or at the Scoutmaster’s discretion.

The following sections will outline the core position of responsibility duties, requirements and provide helpful links and resources, if available.

All the positions of responsibility outlined below all have common duties, including:

  • setting a good example
  • wearing the Scout uniform correctly
  • living by the Scout Oath and Law
  • showing and promoting Scout spirit
  • maintaining a high rate of attendance

Senior Patrol Leader (SPL)

With three green bars behind the Scout emblem, the senior patrol leader’s shoulder patch symbolizes one of the oldest leadership positions in Scouting. Scouts, BSA has long recognized the senior patrol leader as the highest youth leadership position in a troop. The SPL is the primary link between a troop’s Scouts and its adult leaders. The SPL shoulders the responsibility for leading meetings of the troop and the Green Bar or Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) and provide valuable leadership in planning and carrying out the troop’s program of outdoor activities, service projects, and events.


  • Rank of First Class or higher
  • Ability to attend, at least, 75% of all troop activities


Useful Links for the SPL

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL)

The assistant senior patrol leader is the second highest youth leadership position in the troop, working closely with the senior patrol leader to help the troop move forward. The assistant senior patrol leader acts as the senior patrol leader in the absence of the senior patrol leader or when called upon, and provides leadership to other youth leaders in the troop. The assistant senior patrol leader is appointed by the senior patrol leader under the guidance of the Scoutmaster.


  • helps the senior patrol leader lead meetings and activities
  • runs the troop in the absence of the senior patrol leader
  • helps train and supervise all of the positions appointed by the SPL
  • serves as a member of the Green Bar (PLC)

Useful Links for the ASPL

Patrol Leader (PL)

The patrol leader is the patrol’s key leader, representing the patrol at all Green Bar or Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) meetings and the annual program planning conference, and keeping patrol members informed of decisions made. Patrol leaders carry out planning, leading, and evaluating patrol meetings and activities, and assure patrols are prepared to participate in all troop activities. They keep their patrol intact so they can work together and share responsibilities to get things done. It is incumbent upon them to be a good example for the members of their patrol and the rest of the troop.


  • Plan and lead patrol meetings and activities.
    • At least two per month with at least one of them not at the troop meeting
    • Maintain a list of all patrol meetings with meeting plan 
    • Maintain attendance at each troop activity 
  • Keep patrol members informed.
    • Make weekly calls to each patrol member and maintain log
  • Assign each patrol member a task and help them succeed.
    • Assign each patrol member a patrol position for the month
    • Have each patrol member set his advancement goals for the year 
    • Bring advancement needs of your patrol to PLC meeting
  • Represent the patrol at all Green Bar or Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) meetings and annual planning conference.
    • Attend Brownsea meeting
    • Attend at least 75% of PLC meetings
    • Have patrol representative at all PLC meeting 
  • Prepare the patrol to take part in all troop activities. 
    • For each trip, prepare and keep records of: 
      • menu and assign food purchaser
      • duty rosters
      • tenting arrangements
  • Show and help develop patrol spirit.
    • Have patrol flag and patrol yell
  • Have patrol in designated full uniform at troop activities 
  • Earn Honor Patrol designation once during the year
    • Requirements listed below
    • Activities that support this goal are designated with “
  • works with other troop leaders to make the troop run well
  • knows the abilities of each patrol member


Useful Links for the Patrol Leader

Asst. Patrol Leader (APL)

The assistant patrol leader is the second-in-command for the patrol, working closely with the patrol leader to help the patrol move forward. The assistant patrol leader acts as the patrol leader in the absence of the patrol leader or when called upon, and provides leadership to other youth leaders in the patrol. The assistant patrol leader is appointed by the patrol leader under the guidance of the Scoutmaster.


  • Help the patrol leader plan and lead patrol meetings and activities.
  • Help the patrol leader keep patrol members informed.
    • Help make weekly calls to each patrol member and provide feedback to the patrol leader
  • Complete  assignments given to you by the patrol leader
  • Lead the patrol in the patrol leader’s absence.
  • Represent the patrol at all PLC meetings in the leaders absence
    • provide feedback to the patrol leader
  • Help the patrol leader prepare the patrol to take part in all troop activities.
    • For each trip, help prepare and keep records of:
      • menu and assign food purchaser
      • duty rosters
      • tenting arrangements
  • Show and help develop patrol spirit.
    • Have patrol flag and  patrol yell
  • Work with other troop leaders to make the troop run well.

Honor Patrol Requirements:

  1. Have a patrol name, flag, and yell. Put the patrol design on equipment and use the patrol yell. Keep patrol records up-to-date.
  2. Hold two patrol meetings each month.
  3. Take part in at least one hike, outdoor activity, or other Scouting event.
  4. Complete two Good Turns or service projects approved by the patrol leaders’ council.
  5. Help two patrol members advance in rank.
  6. Have at least 75 percent of members in full uniform at troop activities.
  7. Have a representative attend at least three patrol leaders’ council meetings.
  8. Have eight members in the patrol or experience an increase in patrol membership.

Useful Links for the Asst. Patrol Leader


Quartermasters serve as the troop’s supply boss. They keep an inventory of troop equipment and see that the gear is in good condition. They work with patrol quartermasters as they check out equipment and return it. At the Patrol Leaders’ Council Meetings, they report on the status of equipment in need of replacement or repair. In carrying out their responsibilities, they may have the guidance of a member of the troop committee.


  • keeps records on patrol and troop equipment
  • makes sure equipment is in good working condition
  • issues equipment and makes sure it is returned in good condition
  • makes suggestions for new or replacement items
  • works with the Troop Committee’s Equipment Coordinator

Useful Links for the Quartermaster


The scribe is the troop’s secretary. Though not a voting member, they attend the Patrol Leaders’ Council Meetings, and keep a record of the discussions. They cooperate with the patrol scribes to record attendance and dues payments at troop meetings and to maintain troop advancement records. The troop scribe may be assisted by a member of the troop committee.


  • attends and keeps a log of Patrol Leaders’ Council Meetings
  • records individual Scout attendance and dues payments
  • records individual Scout advancement progress
  • works with the troop committee member responsible for records and finance

Useful Links for the Troop Guide

Chaplain Aide

Chaplain aides assist the troop chaplain (usually an adult from the troop committee or the chartered organization) in serving the religious needs of the troop. They lead the troop in opening or closing prayer and mealtime blessings. Chaplain aides ensure that religious holidays are considered during the troop’s program planning process and promotes the Scouts, BSA’s religious emblems program.


  • assists the troop chaplain with religious services at troop activities
  • encourages troop members to strengthen their own relationships with God through personal prayer and devotion and participation in
  • religious activities appropriate to their faith
  • tells Scouts about the Religious Emblems program for their faith at least once a year
  • helps recognize troop members who receive their religious emblems, (such as at a court of honor)
  • makes sure religious holidays are considered during the troop program planning process
  • helps plan for religious observance in troop activities
  • encourages saying grace at meals while camping or at other activities
  • helps promote annual Scout Sunday or Scout Sabbath

Useful Links for the Chaplain Aide


Troop webmaster is responsible for maintaining the Troop’s social media site(s). The Webmaster makes sure that information posted on the website is correct and up to date and that the privacy of youth and adult troop members is protected. A member of the troop committee may assist them with their work.


  • Keep the troop web site content up to date with information needed by the troop.
  • Make sure that information posted on the Troop’s social media site(s) is correct and that members’ and leaders’ privacy is protected.
  • Work with the Troop Historian to publish at least one story (with photos) per month regarding the troop outings and activities to the Troop’s social media site(s).
  • Work with the Troop Librarian to keep the online Troop Library records accurate.
  • Post at least one “Upcoming News Story” per month to the Troop’s social media site(s)
  • Ensures the Web site is as youth-run as possible.

Troop Historian

The historian collects, assembles, and preserves troop photographs, news stories, trophies, flags, scrapbooks, awards, and other memorabilia, and makes materials available for Scouting activities, courts of honor, the media, and troop history projects.


  • gathers photos and facts about troop activities and keeps them in a historical file or scrapbook
  • writes activity and outing recaps to be shared at COHs and on the Troop’s social media sites
  • takes care of troop trophies, ribbons, and souvenirs of troop activities
  • keeps information about former members of the troop


Troop librarians oversee the care and use of troop books, pamphlets, magazines, audiovisuals, and merit badge counselor lists. They check out these materials to Scouts and leaders and maintain records to ensure that everything is returned. They may also suggest the acquisition of new literature and report the need to repair or replace any current holdings.


  • Sets up and takes care of the troop library
  • Keeps records of books and pamphlets owned by the troop
  • Maintains a library of printed forms used by the Green Bar and Patrol Leaders
  • Adds new or replacement items as needed
  • Keeps books and pamphlets available for borrowing
  • Keeps a system for checking books and pamphlets in and out, and follows up on late returns

Useful Links for the Librarian


The bugler plays the bugle (or a similar interest) to mark key moments during the day on troop outings, such as reveille and taps. The Bugler must know the required bugle calls and should ideally have earned the Bugling merit badge.


  • Play bugle as requested by troop leadership.
  • Play taps during evening closing ceremony.
  • Practice bugling until proficient with the following calls:
    • Reveille
    • Assembly
    • To the Colors
    • Taps

Useful Links for the Bugler

OA Troop Representative

Order of the Arrow representatives serve as a communication link between the troop and the local Order of the Arrow lodge. By enhancing the image of the Order as a service arm to the troop, they promote the OA, encourage Scouts to take part in all sorts of camping opportunities, and helps pave the way for older Scouts to become involved in high-adventure programs.


  • Active member in the Order of the Arrow (OA)


  • Attends troop, chapter and lodge meetings regularly as a youth representative of the troop and Order
  • Serves as a two-way communication link between the troop and the lodge or chapter
  • Arranges with the lodge or chapter election team to conduct an annual Order of the Arrow election for the troop at a time approved by the patrol leaders council
  • Arranges with the lodge or chapter for at least one camp promotion visit to the unit annually
  • Makes at least one high adventure presentation to the troop, to include the OA programs, annually
  • Participates in troop courts of honor, as requested by the senior patrol leader, by recognizing: high adventure participation of troop members, induction of new OA members, changes in OA honors of troop members, and other appropriate activities
  • Coordinates the ordeal induction process for newly elected candidates by: ensuring they know the time and location of the ordeal, providing information of what to bring to the ordeal, assisting (as needed) in arranging transportation to the ordeal, and offering assistance (as needed) to the lodge in the ordeal process
  • Assists current ordeal members in the troop in sealing their membership by becoming brotherhood members by: ensuring they know the time and location of brotherhood opportunities, assisting (as needed) in arranging transportation to the brotherhood opportunities, and offering
  • Assistance to the lodge (as needed) in the brotherhood process
  • Offers periodic training and discussions of OA principles, symbolism, and the Legend as needed by and appropriate for the troop members of the Order, at the discretion of the PLC
  • Assists the troop (as appropriate) as a trainer of leadership and outdoor skills.
  • Advocates environmental stewardship and Leave No Trace camping

Useful Links for the SPL

Outdoor Ethics Guide

Outdoor ethics guides help troops plan and conduct an outdoor program that emphasizes effectively practicing the Outdoor Code, the Leave No Trace principles, and the Tread Lightly! principles. Guides work to help Scouts improve their outdoor ethics decision-making skills to help minimize impacts as they hike, camp, and participate in other outdoor activities. In particular, they should support Scouts who are working to complete the relevant requirements for the Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks.


  • Rank of First Class or higher


  • assures the troop adheres to the Principles of Leave No Trace, Tread Lightly, and the Outdoor Code
  • Aid scout achieve rank requirements related to Outdoor Ethics, including:
    • Scout Rank requirement 1e
    • Second Class requirement 1b
    • First Class requirement 1b

Useful Links for the SPL

Troop Guide

Troop guides serve as both a leader and a mentor to the members of the new-Scout patrol. They should be an older Scout who holds at least the First Class rank and can work well with younger Scouts.

The troop guide helps the patrol leader of the new-Scout patrol lead their patrol, so they can develop into a well-functioning group, working together harmoniously and productively.


  • introduces new Scouts to troop operations
  • guides new Scouts from harassment by older Scouts
  • helps new Scouts towards earning the First Class rank
  • teaches basic Scout skills
  • coaches the patrol leader of the new-Scout patrol on his duties
  • works with the patrol leader at patrol leaders’ council (PLC) meetings
  • attends patrol leaders’ council (PLC) meetings with the patrol leader of the new-Scout patrol
  • counsels individuals Scouts on Scouting challenges

Useful Links for the Troop Guide

Den Chief

Den chiefs are Scouts who assist a Cub Scout den leader or Webelos den leader. They are selected by the senior patrol leader and Scoutmaster, and approved by the Cubmaster and the pack committee for recommendation to the den leader. Den chiefs help Cub Scouts advance through Cub Scout ranks and encourage Cub Scouts to join the troop at bridging time


  • Rank of First Class or higher
  • Successfully completed Den Chief Training (DON’T FORGET to print your completion certificate!)
  • Ability to attend most (preferably, all) of assigned Den’s meetings.


  • knows the purposes of Cub Scouting
  • helps Cub Scouts achieve the purposes of Cub Scouting
  • serves as the activities assistant at den meetings
  • sets a good example through attitude and uniforming
  • is a friend to the members of the den
  • helps lead weekly den meetings
  • helps the den in its part of the monthly pack meeting.
  • knows the importance of the monthly theme and pack meeting plans
  • meets regularly with the den leader to review den and pack meeting plans
  • meets as needed with adult members of the den, pack, and troop
  • receives training from the den leader (and cubmaster or assistant cubmaster)
  • takes Den Chief Training
  • encourages Cub Scouts to become Webelos Scouts when they are eligible
  • encourages Webelos Scouts to join a Scout troop upon graduation
  • helps the denner and assistant denner to be leaders.

Useful Links for the Den Chief


Each instructor is an older troop member proficient in a Scouting skill who must also have the ability to teach that skill to others. An instructor typically teaches subjects that Scouts are eager to learn—especially those such as first aid, camping, and backpacking—that are required for outdoor activities and rank advancement. A troop can have more than one instructor.


  • Rank of First Class or higher
  • Ability to demonstrate high proficiency in one or more Scouting skills


  • teaches basic Scouting skills
  • helps Troop Guide present/teach “Path to First Class” sessions
  • schedule/coordinate merit badge counselor(s) for troop/Scout instruction

Junior Assistant Scoutmaster

A Scout at least 16 years of age, who has earned the rank of Eagle Scout and has shown outstanding leadership skills may be appointed by the Scoutmaster to serve as a Junior Assistant Scoutmaster (JASM). The Junior Assistant Scoutmaster functions just like an Assistant Scoutmaster (except for leadership responsibilities reserved for adults 18 years of age or older). In this capacity, Junior Assistant Scoutmasters (a troop may have more than one) follow the guidance of the Scoutmaster in providing support and supervision to other youth leaders in the troop. Upon their 18th birthday, a Junior Assistant Scoutmaster will be eligible to become an Assistant Scoutmaster.


  • Earned rank of Eagle Scout
  • Age 16 or older


  • Performs duties as assigned by the Scoutmaster or any Assistant Scoutmaster.