Green Bar Meetings
The Patrol Leaders work directly with the Senior Patrol Leader, and are members of the Green Bar (A.K.A. Patrol Leaders’ Council or PLC). The Green Bar is responsible for planning and conducting the troop’s weekly meetings and monthly outings.
The Scoutmaster (and assistant Scoutmasters) provide direction, coaching, and training that empowers the scouts with the skills they will need to lead the troop.
The following scouts should plan to attend PLC meeting, including:
- Senior Patrol Leader (SPL)
- Asst. Senior Patrol Leader(s) (ASPL)
- Patrol Leaders
- Asst. Patrol Leaders
- Troop Guide(s)
- Troop Scribe
- Any scout with rank of First Class or higher (optional)
Please visit the Scout Leadership page to gain a better understanding of the Positions of Responsibility (PoRs) listed above.
There are two main types of Green Bar meetings:
- Monthly Planning
- Annual Planning

Monthly Planning
Each month, typically after the main event weekend, the Green Bar will meet to review the outing, plan upcoming troop meetings, plan the next outing and discuss any troop or patrol business.
Useful Links for Monthly Planning
- Green Bar (PLC) Agenda – A standardized agenda for the Troop Scribe to used for PLC meetings
- Event Evaluation Sheet – A simple worksheet to capture the details and scout feedback for a recent outing/event
- Current Monthly Planner – A “living” document, detailing the monthly themes, meeting topics, troop outings and council events
- Current Schedule of Events – A repository for all Troop and council events, along with any holidays or special dates throughout the scouting year.
- Monthly Main Event Planner – The planning document that “puts flesh on the bone”. Using the Yearly Planner and the Current Monthly Planner, scouts can now detail each month’s Main Event, outlining the logistics, goals, activities, needed equipment and any safety concerns.
- Sample Monthly Main Event Plan – An example to follow for completing the Monthly Main Event Plan. You can also find additional information in the Program Features guide book.
- Weekly Troop Meeting Planning Template – A planning document that allows the Green Bar to outline each week’s troop meeting to support the Current Monthly Plan, the Monthly Main Event Plan and any other weekly troop activities.
- Sample Weekly Troop Meeting Plan – An example to follow for completing the Weekly Troop Meeting Plan. You can also find additional information in the Program Features guide book.
Annual Planning
The Troop’s annual planning PLC meeting occurs in late June, early July and is intended to provide a rough schedule for the scouting year, September through the following August.
Useful Links for Annual Planning
- Introduction to Annual Planning – An introduction companion to the Program Features (vol. 1-3) detailing the steps for an annual planning meeting
- Desired Program Goals & Features – A document to be used by the patrols to collect input from the scouts on their desired activities for the next scouting year
- Yearly Planner – A spreadsheet that allows the Green Bar to see the year in a single view, allowing the scouts to “pencil-in” the high-level events desired in each month. By changing the starting year at the top of the spreadsheet, the calendar will update with all the correct dates for the scouting year
- Current Monthly Planner – A “living” document, detailing the monthly themes, meeting topics, troop outings and council events
- Monthly Planner Template – A blank version to start a new year
- Current Schedule of Events – A repository for all Troop and council events, along with any holidays or special dates throughout the scouting year