To promote greater unity and cohesion between all the scouting units at St. James, Troop 276 has re-numbered to Troop 279. The re-numbering of Troop 276 to Troop 279 does not erase the decades of history earned by the Troop. If fact, just the opposite! With this change, the leadership at Troop 279 is rolling out a whole new social media presence with a new website, Troop279.us and a new Facebook page. Please visit these sites to learn more about the troop, its distinguished list of Eagle Scouts and all the Troop’s outdoor adventures.
Furthermore, the Troop is grateful to have a Charter Organization, St. James Presbyterian who is dedicated to creating a home for all who wish to learn and grow with the scouting principles. Together with Cub Scout Pack 279, Troop 279 for boys and Troop 279 for girls, everyone, from kindergarten through young adulthood can start their scouting journey at St. James!
Contact Us today to start your journey!